Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 7: Famous Last Words and Youtube Tech Tip

Jet Lag is Coming, by Fit Across Cultures
Link to image

I think my best writing for this class this week has definitely been in my frame-tale story that I am doing for the final project. I had to really give it my all to make the story pan out the way it does: Alice Liddell winds up getting segued into being a Snow-white type character, which brings that story line into the loop. I was able to use the character of Duke to keep track of the real world happenings of the story while using Alice’s perspective to bring a sense of the supernatural and psychedelic to the story. This turned out for the best I think, because I was able to concisely outline Alice’s experiences under the wicked Queen who envies her beauty (she is called the Duchess in this story because there will be a queen later on in future parts of the frame-tale).
My classes this week were fairly regular. However, I experienced some major trip-lag around Monday because I had gotten back at around 8am in the morning from visiting my original hometown. So I was extremely exhausted on Monday, and I was glad we had a snowday. I’m not sure if I would have been able to perform very well in my afternoon and evening classes if school hadn’t been canceled. So thank goodness it was! My organic chemistry lab was definitely going to be a disaster, because there’s so much work that goes into just preparing for it. I had only gotten a portion of what needed to be done for the preparations, so that snow day was a true god-send.

Overall, very busy week with all the catching up that my vacation trip required me to do, and I’m still feeling it! But I’ll make it through. Hopefully I’ll be able to work ahead in this class this week so I don’t have to stress out like I did this week.

Here's something to brighten your day, if you're a person who works with media: 


  1. I hope you enjoyed your trip to your hometown! That must have been a nice break from school, although I can completely understand feeling behind once you get back. I feel that way even when I go home for a weekend to Tulsa! But I hope you enjoyed the snowday on Monday and yesterday! Hopefully that allowed you to catch up on sleep and work!

  2. Hi Posh,

    I enjoyed reading this post for two initial reasons. First, I am a big fan of Game of Thrones, so that meme at the beginning is great. I always laugh when people use that image with different text, like 'Brace Yourselves, OMG snow is coming". Second, I also like King of the Hill, which is shown in your tech tip video. I understand that it's hard to transition back from vacation. Good luck with the rest of the semester!
