Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Reading Diary B: Alice in Wonderland

The Mad Tea Party, by Charles Robinson
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   After her ordeal with the hooka-loving Caterpillar, Alice resumes her chase of the rabbit. Along her way, she confronts a Frog footman who is carrying a note to a fellow resident frog in a woodland house. The letter calls the residing frog to a croquet match with the Red Queen. Upon the delivery, the frog footman leaves and the resident frog sits on the porch of the house solemnly, as ruckus presides inside the place. Knowing she needs to get through the house to follow the white rabbit, Alice engages the frog in conversation. However, he's totally irate and inaccessible, so Alice bypasses his permission to enter the house and meets the Duchess and the Cheshire cat. Alice begins to notice how badly the order in the duchess' home is kept, especially when the pig baby she's caring for has its nose cut off. However, after the Duchess concludes that she must attend her appointment with the Queen for croquet, she flings the "baby" to Alice's arms as she heads out. Alice then engages the Cheshire cat in conversation about where she should go to catch the white rabbit, and Cheshire points her in the direction of the Mad Tea Party. 
   The initial impression of the tea party was one of jovial laughter and antics, however, her entrance warrants a general quarrel of riddles and logical confoundery. They then discussing the Hatter's watch and time, as if time were a real person. Then the Hatter's famous riddle comes to play:"how is a raven like a writing desk?" The Hatter admits that there is no answer to this riddle, and turns Alice's attention to the dormouse and his stories, starting with the three sisters that lived down a well. After being constantly verbally barrated by the three characters, Alice opts to leave the tea party and travel onward. 

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